Arrabona EGTC

2019. August 29.

This pilgrimage includes sights such as the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma, downtown Győr, then from Lébény, we head for Mosonmagyaróvár and Rajka, then it is on to Slovakia and Austria. In Wolfsthal we will join the official pilgrimage heading for Santiago de Compostela, the Camino de Santiago.

Tour planning


The section starts from the Roman Catholic Church of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pannonhalma and leads to the village of Écs along the main road which connects Pannonhalma and Écs. Leaving the village of Écs, the road leads through the wooded hills of the picturesque Sokoró Hills, first rising before walking along the ridge to a geodesic tower (there is wonderful view from the top). From here, we reach the TV tower and then the holiday cottages of Győrújbarát, and then walking on a slightly downhill road. Crossing the hill above the village, we avoid the main road and visit the Francia-kő (French Stone) lookout. During the Napoleonic wars, the French controlled their artillery from here in the battle of Kismegyer. Our path passes by a wooden carved headstone and a memorial stone in memory of a battle of the Rákóczi War of Independence. We reach the main road, and after leaving it, we pass the Holt-Marcal branch and the edge of a floodplain meadow, where we can see its special bird life. Then we arrive at Győr, a town with 140,000 inhabitants on the embankment of the river Rába. The pedestrian street of the town leads to the Széchenyi Square, the Baroque main square of Győr. The Baroque church of Szent Ignác (St. Ignatius) is found in the square. Győr is rich in sights, as well as in hotels and restaurants. A real rural big city atmosphere will entice the visitors for a longer stay.

We are walking on flat terrain, on a water embankment all the way today, and we cannot get water anywhere on the go! From the downtown of Győr, from the Benedictine Church, we reach the town's edge on a relatively short trip, and from there, along the river, we reach the district of Pinnyéd. At the edge of the suburbs, on the embankment, we go to the memorial site of Miklós Radnóti, the Hungarian poet who was killed as a young man. After this little grove, we turn to the high quality but almost shadeless Rábca embankment, cross main road number 1, then the railway tracks and walk under the M1 motorway. When we reach the Börcs-Ikrény junction, we cross a bridge and continue walking on the embankment across the river Rábca. Leaving the embankment, we are approaching Lébény, and the towers of the Szent Jakab (St. James) Church in Lébény are already visible from the outskirts of the town. We will soon reach our today’s destination, one of Hungary's most important Romanesque historic churches. In addition to its major sights, Lébény also offers hotel and restaurant options.

Leaving Lébény, the road is bordered by arable fields, by lines of bushes and forests. We reach the edge of the village of Károlyháza, and then we progress on an asphalt road to Kimle. The village of Kimle is located in a beautiful natural environment, between the bends of the Moson Danube. The Germans, the Croats, and the Hungarians live here in great peace and understanding. Crossing the Moson Danube by a bridge and leaving the village, next to the Anna Chapel, we continue our way to Máriakálnok. Upon reaching the village, we can relax at the Chapel of the Visitation, a famous pilgrimage site dating from the 16th century. On the long stretching main street of the village and then on the paved bicycle path, we reach Mosonmagyaróvár, a small town with a history of 2,000 years, close to the state border. Abundant with sights, the town lies at the junction of the Moson Danube and the Lajta, which originates in the Alps, and it is listed as a historic town due to its network of medieval roads and its historic buildings. This section ends in downtown, at the Virgin Mary and Szent Gotthárd (St. Gotthard) Catholic Church, where restaurants, shops and hotels are found.

We start from the Piarist church in the city centre of Mosonmagyaróvár. We walk through the area of the Castle of Óvár, and then, after leaving the town, we arrive at the embankment of the River Lajta. We walk for a couple of kilometres and then turn sharply to the right following the dirt road next to the embankment. We pass through the Paprét-Lajtapuszta estate and then, between agricultural areas, we reach Bezenye, a village inhabited by Hungarians, Germans, and Croats. The main attraction of the village is the Catholic Church, where a cannon-barrel was walled into the outer wall of the church. From here, we continue our trip on a dirt road behind the village and we will see the village of Rajka from a great distance. In Rajka, we head towards the Szent Márton Church. Szent Márton Road and Szent Jakab Road meet in front of the church.

We start from Rajka, the Szent Márton (St. Martin's) Church and head towards the Moson Danube. Leaving the village, we pass a fishing lake and then we reach a nature conservation forest. We reach the state border on the asphalt road next to the Moson Danube. After crossing the border and a small grove, we arrive at the village of Dunacsúny (Cunovo). From here, we walk through cool forests and next to beautiful lakes all the way to Oroszvár (Rusovce). Here you can visit the remains of the Roman settlement Gerulata and admire the Lónyai Castle, built by the family in the 19th century. After Oroszvár, we continue our trip on the asphalt footpath and bicycle path along the Danube, all the way to Pozsony (Bratislava), to the ruins of the Szent Jakab (St James) Chapel found there. From here, walking alongside the Danube, we first reach the asphalt streets in the town, then a grassy promenade after leaving the town and cross the Slovak-Austrian border. We reach Wolfsthal on the bike path next to the highway.

A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.


Difficulty: Medium
Distance: 129 km
Duration: 06:47:04
Ascent: 909 m
Descent: 214 m
Refreshing point: Nincs
Level difference: 214m
Created: 2019.10.04
Number of appearance: 6217
Number of viewing: 10020
Győr Időjárás

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