Csallóköz TDM
2021. June 07.
The St. Mary Way is a network of pilgrimage routes across Central Europe, connecting the shrines of the Virgin Mary. The Way has two main axes: the pilgrimage route from west to east connects Mariazell in Austria with Șumuleu Ciuc (Csíksomlyó) in Transylvania. While the north-south pilgrimage route connects Czestochowa, the Pauline shrine of the Polish with Medjugorje in Bosnia. This branch is still under construction. So, the pilgrimage route St. Mary Way is still being built. The route of the hiking tour we offer is the same as the route of the future Marianka/Máriavölgy pilgrimage. The starting point of the pilgrimage is Báč/Bácsfa and the destination is Marianka (Bratislava). The total distance is 53 km, which can be covered in 3 days.
On the first day, an approx. 20 km long section will be completed, and the first stop is the pilgrimage church in Svatý Anton (Szentantal). Leaving the village, we walk along the banks of the Danube River to the town of Šamorín (Somorja), where we can visit the Reformed Church of Šamorín, which is the oldest Gothic church of the Rye Island, and also the town’s Roman Catholic Church and monastery. The last stop of the first day is Jánošíková (Dénesd), where the road leads through the villages of Hamuliakovo (Gútor) and Kalinkovo (Szemet).
During day two, the hikers and pilgrims can admire the natural world of the “old Danube”, as the majority of the walk from Jánošíková to Bratislava can and is recommended to take “in the soft lap of Nature”. The highlight of the day is the Franciscan Church in Bratislava, the oldest surviving sacral building of the Slovak capital. The Franciscan monastery next to the church is also an important sacral and historical building, because the first Habsburg King, Ferdinand I of Austria, was crowned here.
The route to be completed on day three is the shortest (barely 9 km), but perhaps it is the richest in sacred values. The highlight of the last day and the entire pilgrimage is the Cave Lourdes in Marianka, which is a copy of the original cave, with a statue of Bernadette; according to the legend, Virgin Mary appeared to her in a French town (Lourdes).
A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.
Difficulty: | |
Evaluation: |
Distance: | 58 km |
Duration: | 13:43:34 |
Ascent: | 0 m |
Descent: | 0 m |
Refreshing point: | Van |
Level difference: | |
Created: | 2021.06.07 |
Number of appearance: | 2199 |
Number of viewing: | 6910 |
In vino veritas (Mini Tour Series)
One of the oldest wine regions of Hungary, dynamically developing wineries, quality wine production, beautiful countryside that attracts the visitors, millennial culture and world heritage site, rows of cellars, tasty wines: this is the Pannonhalma wine region. Discover the wineries in the varied vineyards; taste the heavenly juices and discover the other sights of the area!
Though it is unusual, we have put together several mini tours for you within the tour, typically with two wineries ‘in the lead role’, so you can comfortably explore, on foot, the countryside and taste the fruit of the vineyards everywhere, over several days.
The list of wineries is only a short one. What else would you add, and what would be the theme of the new mini wine tour?
In vino veritas - "In wine, there is truth", - BorCamino
On the trail of folk legacies I.
Want to time-travel? Are you curious to see how rural folks lived and worked 100 years ago? If you think about it, it was not so long ago, maybe your great-grandparents were children at the time. The world has changed so much that we cannot imagine living without electricity, a bathroom or computers, but 100 years ago, people had none of these things. Take this tour and journey into the past, the exhibitions, historically furnished houses and activities will give you a peek at what country life was like back then.