Arrabona EGTC
2019. August 29.
The greatest treasure and the main tourist attraction in the city of Mosonmagyaróvár is its thermal spring waters. Hungarian and foreign guests who wish to exercise, relax and rejuvenate can do so by taking advantage of the services provided by the spa all year round. However, this town is more than just a spa resort, it boasts a beautiful downtown as well. Take a walk along the scenic streets, have rest under the shade of the trees and taste the local specialties. You’ll see, it’s well worth it.
The symbol of the city and its oldest monument. It lost its military significance in the 18th century. Today it houses the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences of István Széchenyi University.
The symbol of the city and its oldest monument. We must pass over the arched brick bridge and through a broken-axis, tunnel-like gate structure to get to the building surrounded by distributaries of the Leitha and a moat. The stone on top of the arch bears the coat of arms with a star belonging to the former owners, the Bazini and the Szentgyörgyi Barons. We do not know the exact date of the castle's construction, but several plans for its fortification were made over the centuries. This always happened during tumultuous times. As there was no stone building material nearby, they increased the building's protection by decreasing it in size. In the 18th century, the municipality which had lost its military significance was thriving and the reinforcements were demolished whilst the inner part of the castle became home to an economic academy in 1818. Its successor was to be the Széchenyi István University Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences educating hundreds of young people inside the walls that stood firm throughout the events of a stormy past.
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The chapel was built in 1713 in to commemorate the end of an outbreak of the plague. The building has a wooden tower and above the entrance in a small chamber is an artistic sculptural rendering of the Virgin Mary.
Az egyetem 1912-ben átadott szecessziós épülete mellett található a Lucsonyi Szent Anna-kápolna. Next to the
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The Habsburg House stands on the side of Deák Square facing the castle, this once functioned as the Archdukes' accommodations. A notable feature of the square is its Baroque statue of Saint John of Nepomuk with three other supporting figures.
The area where the Magyaróvár market once was is bordered from the east by the manor mill and the three-story building complex of the brewery. The mill operated in one of the city's oldest buildings from 1648, it was later electrified and it operated until the 1980s. The brewery functioned from 1710 to 1937 when Dreher Breweries purchased and later closed the competitor's plant. The Habsburg House stands on the side of Deák Square facing the castle. It was once the Archdukes' accommodations in the city. The statue was commissioned in 1744 by Károly József Hugenstein, the manor's master of livestock to commemorate the coronation of Maria Theresa.
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On the other side of Fő (Main) Street, there are several residential Baroque style buildings, among them the city's oldest accommodation, the Black Eagle Inn and Restaurant. Today it functions as a dormitory. The jewel of Fő Street if the Cselley House. The building includes Gothic elements and functions as the Hanság Museum today.
On the other side of Fő (Main) Street, formerly known as Német Street there are several Baroque residential buildings with a charming courtyard, among them the city's oldest inn, the Black Eagle Inn and Restaurant. Today it functions as a dormitory. Until 1924 it was the county hall, at present, it is the city hall. The building was constructed in 1892 in neo-Renaissance style. A plaque on its wall attests to the role the city played in the Napoleonic Wars. The Cselley House is the gem of Fő Street. This building with Gothic stylistic elements houses the Hanság Museum's industrial history exhibition, the Gyurgyovics Collection and the cellar with its wagon-vaulted ceiling is home to a Roman era lapidarium.
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The church we see here today was completed in the middle of the 18th century. The ornamental late Baroque decor and paintings were added with the support of Archduchess Maria Christina and her husband. This is the city's most significant Baroque building.
In the middle of the downtown on Szent László square, we will find the Saint Gotthard Church, the city's most significant Baroque building. The church we see here today was completed in the middle of the 18th century and the elaborate late Baroque ornamentation and paintings in the interior were commissioned by Archduchess Maria Christina and her husband. The Habsburg crypts were built in the church cellar in 1934 where the coffins of Archduke Friedrich and his wife Archduchess Isabella Croy were laid to rest.
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Magyar Street, the city's walking street leads to the Neo-Gothic Lutheran Church, the aisle of the building houses the memorial plaque of Gál Huszár, a protestant preacher. Opposite the church, we find Europe Stone. In 2006, a statue of Archduke Friedrich Habsburg sitting on a bench was placed at the end of Magyar Street.
Walking along the city's pedestrian street, Magyar utca, you will reach a Neo-Gothic Lutheran Church, in its aisle, there is a memorial plaque honoring Protestant preacher Gál Huszár. Across the street from the church in the area enclosed by Magyar and Kórház Street, we see the Europe Stone, a work by Benedek Nagy, a Mór sculptor. At the end of Magyar Street, there is a statue of Friedrich Habsburg sitting on a bench. The Archduke lived in Magyaróvár from 1920 to his death in 1936.
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A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.
Difficulty: | Easy |
Evaluation: |
Distance: | 2 km |
Duration: | 00:31:43 |
Ascent: | 11 m |
Descent: | 4 m |
Refreshing point: | Nincs |
Level difference: | 4m |
Created: | 2019.10.04 |
Number of appearance: | 6096 |
Number of viewing: | 9252 |
Through the eyes of children in Győr
While planning a family trip or vacation, it is usually a problem to find tourist attractions where everyone, but most of all children, have fun. You no longer have to worry about such things in Győr. We have gathered the best attractions where great fun, exciting adventures, and sincere children's smiles are guaranteed. Do you need more?
One street, five churches
There is a place in Győr, Győr-Újváros (New City), where there is an abundance of churches of different denominations just a few meters away from one another. Karzat Színház Nonprofit Kft. has been building a successful series of programs on this idiosyncrasy for years (The Festival of the five Churches and the Five Church Advent). Apart from this, they offer a guided tour where visitors will become acquainted with the characteristics of the different faiths, their architecture and the possibility for peaceful, prosperous coexistence among different cultures and religions. If you wish to find out more about this topic, feel free to reach out to them:(