Arrabona EGTC

2019. August 29.

The main events of the 1956 revolution took place in Budapest, but other rural municipalities also joined in the capital’s demands for freedom. What happened in the towns and cities of Győr-Moson-Sopron County over the course of those days? Our tour features five locations to elaborate on what transpired, providing a reminder of what happened in those fateful hours. The book titled the Freedom Fight in Győr-Sopron county details one of the most important events in recent Hungarian history.

Tour planning

Az alábbi megállókat ajánjuk nektek:

On 26th October 1956, the peaceful crowd of the revolution’s supporters was greeted by a murderous volley of bullets at the Border Guards’ Barracks. Due to lack of sources and medical documentation, it is uncertain even to these days how many casualties the volley of bullets had caused.

The unarmed people who arrived in front of the barracks were waving national-coloured flags, some of them were chanting the Anthem, while others the Szózat (“Appeal”) and were singing the Kossuth song while marching. They demanded the removal of the red star from the barracks and called upon those inside to join the people. Their number is estimated to be about 1,000 to 2,000. The ever-increasing crowd pushed the ones in the first row even further ahead. An officer went in front of the marchers, however, due to the constant arrival of people, he was constantly forced to retire. About 25 to 30 meters from the nest of machine guns he held up his hand to stop the demonstrators. It seemed to be a friendly reception, however, as the crowd approached the gate by about 15 meters, the first shot was fired.

Two or three series of bullets were fired, there were numerous fatal and many serious or minor injuries. Their number was increased as hand grenades were thrown among the wounded and retreating people from the windows of the barracks.

The statue by the sculptor Tibor Rieger, called Golgotha, stands at the place of the terrible volley of bullets where 50 wooden carved headstones remind us of the officially over 50 victims (according to eyewitnesses and relatives, 107 people died there).

The place of the volley of bullets is called Mourning Square.

26th October, according to the decision of the city council of Mosonmagyaróvár, is the town’s day of mourning.

Source and additional information: Körbefuttatás-törés] Attila Szakolczai: 1956. Revolution and War of Independence in Győr-Sopron County (pp. 37-41)

In 1956 the crowd gathered by what is today the Trianon Memorial and they knocked the red star off the huge Soviet memorial that stood there at the time.

The events in Győr began on October 25. In the park behind Városház (City Hall) Square at the foot of the Baross bridge, the crowd on strike gathered at what is today the Trianon Memorial and demanded that the enormous Soviet Heroes' Memorial with the Red Star be demolished. They took to removing the symbol of tyranny on top of the obelisk with their bare hands and a truck arrived in time to help them.

Forrás és további információ:

After removing the red star, some of the demonstrators marched to the square in front of the City Hall. Under the direction of the city council’s president, the red star was quickly removed, which used to stand at the place of the town’s present coat of arms. All the employees of the City Hall and those entering the building were waving the Hungarian flag.

On 26th October, the National Council of Győr was founded under the leadership of Attila Szigethy here.

Source and additional information:

Attila Szakolczai: 1956. Revolution and War of Independence in Győr-Sopron County (pp. 17-27)

On 25th October, 1956, the town’s bloodiest fight happened at the prison of Győr, where the protesting mass demanded the release of the political prisoners.

The police and the prison’s leaders asked for help, so a truck that had probably been sent by the ÁVH (State Security Department) loaded with weapons arrived in front of the prison. One of the young martyrs, Mária Máté, jumped on top of the truck and distributed machine guns when she was interrupted by a series of shots. The young girl and Ödön Halász, who climbed the fence, collapsed dead. There was utter chaos. The crowd virtually besieged the building, throwing stones and rocks at it. The young Béla Szabó also died in the fire fight.

The memory of the three young martyrs is proclaimed by a wooden carved headstone and a plaque at the prison.

Source and additional information:

Attila Szakolczai: 1956. Revolution and War of Independence in Győr-Sopron County (pp. 17-27)

A national guard of 30 miners attacked a Soviet convoy on the morning of November 8, 1956. Thanks to this measure, all 17 Hungarian captives in the convoy were able to escape. During the half-hour shoot-out, a 20-year-old miner lost his life, his name was József Nyírádi and he was buried in the village cemetery with a church ceremony three days after the conflict. The Soviet soldiers retreated to the city of Győr.

Forrás és további információ:

A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.


Difficulty: Hard
Distance: 65 km
Duration: 06:30:38
Ascent: 371 m
Descent: 59 m
Refreshing point: Nincs
Level difference: 59m
Created: 2019.10.04
Number of appearance: 6102
Number of viewing: 8647
Győr Időjárás

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