Arrabona EGTC
2022. July 29.
A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.
Difficulty: | Medium |
Evaluation: |
Distance: | 19 km |
Duration: | 01:16:50 |
Ascent: | 0 m |
Descent: | 0 m |
Refreshing point: | Van |
Level difference: | |
Created: | 2022.07.29 |
Number of appearance: | 993 |
Number of viewing: | 4599 |
Strike a pose!
Have you ever taken a selfie with a statue of a potato beetle or fountain made of soda water bottles? Pose with unique, interesting pieces of public artwork that give you a glimpse into the past. Seek out the Szigetköz commercial railways memorial built in memory of the largely forgotten local company, visit one of the former ports, and while your there taste grandmother’s fresh baked bread. And of course, do not forget to take lots of photos.
In search of poets and authors
You will partake in an extraordinary literature lesson if you choose this tour. We will introduce you to a collection of poets and writers associated with the city of Győr: maybe they were born here, or perhaps they died here, they studied, worked or became famous here. All of their memories are maintained by the associated municipality; seek them out and pay a moment’s respect to their memories.
Győrújbarát-Sokorópátka – blue
The Sokoró Hills are the most scenic place for bike rides in the Győr area. This tour only proves this point as it takes us through rolling hills and sweeping plains with a beautiful view guaranteed the whole way.