2020. November 09.
Egy kis tekerés a környéken. A környéken olyan csodák vannak, melyek ismeretében még jobban magunkénak érezhetjük településünket. Nyitot szemmel járva sok érdekességre, és szépséget láthatunk nap mint nap. Csak egy tipp. Ménfőcsanak pont a Kisalföld és a Bakony találkzásánál fekszik, mely adottsággal Győr éjjszakai fényeit esténként csodálhatjuk.
A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.
Difficulty: | Easy |
Evaluation: |
Distance: | 7 km |
Duration: | 00:29:54 |
Ascent: | 0 m |
Descent: | 0 m |
Refreshing point: | Nincs |
Level difference: | |
Created: | 2020.10.30 |
Number of appearance: | 1337 |
Number of viewing: | 6558 |
Thermal tour
The name of the next tour including the word “thermal” can be misleading as it is really a bicycle tour. We recommend it to those who would like to cycle, but also desire a little relaxation at the end of the day. The route we offer connects the medicinal and adventure spas of the Rye Island as part of a bicycle tour. The participants of the tour have the opportunity to visit each of the thermal spas, get to know the landscape of the Rye Island while cycling, and protect the Nature, as their emission is almost zero. The starting point is Komárom and the destination is Dunajská Streda. The chosen route is also favourable for those who are willing to cycle “only” to the destination, as there is an (indirect) train line between the two towns.
Gyõr-Gyõrújbarát – green
During this tour we will be given a peek into the region surrounding Győr, the distance between Győr and Győrújbarát promises to be a light excursion, you can even give it a try after a work day.
Introducing Szigetköz
When we travel, there is one important thing we are all curious about apart from the sights: the local food and drink offerings. Many of us like to taste these because, as they say, each meal is an adventure. We highly recommend that you partake of the regional Szigetköz dishes, try local products and refreshments. Have a mid morning snack at Lipóti Bakery, eat lunch at a traditional restaurant in Felső-Szigetköz, enjoy a cold beer in the afternoon (pace yourself!) and/or have a coffee and try the vinegar fish in Győr. Enjoy your meal!