Arrabona EGTC

2019. August 29.


An easy tour through the woods suitable for all ages in the Ravazdi Forestry. There are plenty of sights to see while wandering through the town, the well of Béla IV is an ideal place to stop and rest. According to the tale, the king and his armies stopped to rest by the spring and drink from its waters when they were fleeing from the Tatars.

Tour planning

A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.


Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 4 km
Duration: 00:15:21
Ascent: 171 m
Descent: 136 m
Refreshing point: Nincs
Level difference: 136m
Created: 2019.10.04
Number of appearance: 6087
Number of viewing: 7410
Győr Időjárás

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