Arrabona EGTC

2019. August 29.


Who, when they were a child, did not dream of being a powerful lord or lady of a grand castle? Though it cannot make your dreams come true, you can enjoy a historic atmosphere among forts and castles built in different eras and with a little imagination, you can see yourself among knights and ladies on this tour.

Tour planning

Az alábbi megállókat ajánjuk nektek:

The symbol of the city and its oldest monument. It lost its military significance in the 18th century. Today it houses the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences of István Széchenyi University.

The symbol of the city and its oldest monument. We must pass over the arched brick bridge and through a broken-axis, tunnel-like gate structure to get to the building surrounded by distributaries of the Leitha and a moat. The stone on top of the arch bears the coat of arms with a star belonging to the former owners, the Bazini and the Szentgyörgyi Barons. We do not know the exact date of the castle's construction, but several plans for its fortification were made over the centuries. This always happened during tumultuous times. As there was no stone building material nearby, they increased the building's protection by decreasing it in size. In the 18th century, the municipality which had lost its military significance was thriving and the reinforcements were demolished whilst the inner part of the castle became home to an economic academy in 1818. Its successor was to be the Széchenyi István University Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences educating hundreds of young people inside the walls that stood firm throughout the events of a stormy past.

Forrás és további információ:

The castle gained its present Baroque form in the second half of the 18th century and later in the 19th century Károly Khuen-Héderváry applied the stylistic characteristics of Romanticism, but the building was shortly restored to its previous Baroque exterior. In most recent times, it has operated as a four-star castle hotel. Since its closing, it has not been accessible to visitors.

The knight, Héder supposedly already had a castle built for himself in the middle of the 12th century, likely of wood, and it stood on the Zsidó-domb (Jewish Hill) in the back of what is today the castle park. The building itself was destroyed during the Mongol Invasion. János Héderváry commissioned the new castle in Renaissance style. The English Garden surrounding the park was established under the personal supervision of Bernard Petri, who had exotic trees brought here, such as ginkgo biloba tree and tulip trees. The building had been functioning as a 4-star castle hotel in recent times, but since the hotel has discontinued operation, it has been closed to the public.

Forrás és további információ:

The castle building dates back to the 19th century. Miklós Földváry, one of Öttevény’s wealthiest landowners had it built for his wife in 1870. Today it operates as a castle hotel under the name Chateau Földváry.

Valéria Földváry, daughter of Miklós Földváry became the owner of the building which was later expanded into a castle. In 1895 she married Baron Károly Csáky. Today the castle is privately owned by a foreign national who began work on renovating the building and converting it into a hotel. It was reopened in 2009 and began operation as a castle hotel by the name of Chateau Földváry.

Forrás és további információ:

The downtown location of the János Xantus Zoo displaying South American wildlife. It is located in a portion of the former catacombs of Győr.

The Romans had already built a fort on one of the river deposit hills (present-day Káptalandomb) in the 1st century. The first stone walls were built after the municipality achieved the title of royal free city in the 13th century, but they became very valuable during the time of the Turkish Occupation in the 16th century. They played an important role in protecting the road that leads to Vienna. After its fortification, the largest trace-italienne bastion of the Hungarian border castle system was completed. By the beginning of the 18th century, however, Győr had lost its military significance and with the exception of those on the banks of the Danube and the Rába as well as the bastions located here, the fortress walls were demolished. One intact piece of the huge fortification that once surrounded the city remains to this day, the bastion standing where the Moson Danube and the Rába meet and the connected Sforza semi-circular bastion. On the inner edge of Dunakapu Square, we can find Bástya Street where the walls of a bastion-system once stood. In the middle of Baross Street red bricks signal where Fehérvári Gate once stood. Near Bécsi kapu (Viennese Gate) Square part of the catacombs houses the Castle Catacomb Lapidarium. Behind the OPT Bank on Teleki Street, we can also see a piece of the former catacombs, today this venue is called Füles Básty and features an exhibition of South American wildlife. The downtown exhibition hall of the János Xantus Zoo is called the Füles Bástya, allowing visitors a peek at South American Wildlife while you can also see the remnants of the Győr border fort from Turkish times. The Zoo is a great place for a date, you can walk, chat and not have to worry about awkward silences: the animals are always a good subject for conversation.

Forrás és további információ:

The castle, along with its manor buildings presumably constructed for the administration of the Ménfő plains, was built in late Baroque style. it achieved its present-day state in the 19th century when the classicist carriage way was constructed. The building has been serving public education since 1988. The library is located here and the Erzsébet Galgóczy Memorial Room was created here in 1991. The 100 square meter arched hall houses the artifacts of the study and so-called ‘farmer’s style room’ of the Ménfő native writer’s Budapest apartment.

Architecturally, this building is best described as a mansion, the citizens of Ménfő named it a “castle.” It has been in the service of culture and public education since 1988. The library and the Erzsébet Galgóczy Memorial Room are located here.

Forrás és további információ:

A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.


Difficulty: Medium
Distance: 60 km
Duration: 05:57:22
Ascent: 326 m
Descent: 26 m
Refreshing point: Nincs
Level difference: 26m
Created: 2019.10.04
Number of appearance: 6137
Number of viewing: 10215
Győr Időjárás

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