Csallóköz TDM
2022. June 09.
A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.
Difficulty: | Easy |
Evaluation: |
Distance: | 1 km |
Duration: | 00:28:36 |
Ascent: | 0 m |
Descent: | 0 m |
Refreshing point: | Van |
Level difference: | |
Created: | 2022.06.09 |
Number of appearance: | 1110 |
Number of viewing: | 5275 |
A walk in Somorja (Šamorín)
There is a small town by the Danube that got its name from a medieval church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. This is a picturesque little town was once the center of commerce in the Csallóköz, today it is a cultural and tourism destination, as apart from having a wide variety of sights to see, the town also boasts musical events such as Samaria Régi Zenei Napok (Old Samaria Music Days) or New Musik At Home. Visit Somorja and enjoy a music festival but don’t forget to have a good look around town as well.