2020. May 24.
További információk később
A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.
Difficulty: | Easy |
Evaluation: |
Distance: | 18 km |
Duration: | 03:31:46 |
Ascent: | 0 m |
Descent: | 0 m |
Refreshing point: | Van |
Level difference: | |
Created: | 2020.02.25 |
Number of appearance: | 2933 |
Number of viewing: | 7133 |
Mosonmagyaróvár-Gyõr a 4-day water tour
Tired of walking and not too enthusiastic about biking either? Join us and row along the Moson-Danube.
A 5-day water tour from Rajka to Gyõr
Tired of walking and not too enthusiastic about biking either? Join us and row along the Moson-Danube.