Arrabona EGTC

2019. August 29.

Tired of walking and not too enthusiastic about biking either? Join us and row along the Moson-Danube.

Tour planning

Ajánlott: osztályoknak, családoknak  

Kényelmes haladást engedő, könnyen teljesíthető távokat magába foglaló túra. Napi 3-4 órás túratávokkal  

Javasolt napi távok:

Departure: Rajka, Arany Kárász Camping

Daily distance: 32 km. In Halászi, a camping place is available, and a dining option is offered at Parti Csárda. The camping place has established facilities and beach access. The grocery store can be reached in a few minutes on foot.

Daily distance: 28 - 30 km. In Kimle, not too far from each other, two camping places are available (one in Kimle and one in Novákpuszta), with established facilities, a snack bar and beach access. In Novákpuszta, there is an option to order meals for groups as well.

Daily distance: 18 km. Camping option in Dunaszentpál, with facilities, a snack bar and beach access.

Daily distance: 12 km. Camping option with a camp fire place in Kunsziget.

Daily distance: 13 km. Possibility of making a stop in Győr, on Aranypart beach, using established facilities, and with dining options.

arrival: Győr, Aranypart

A javasolt megközelítés nem feltétlenül veszi figyelembe az aktuális forgalmirend változásokat.


Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 103 km
Duration: 20:37:05
Ascent: 413 m
Descent: 22 m
Refreshing point: Nincs
Level difference: 22m
Created: 2019.10.04
Number of appearance: 6164
Number of viewing: 10447
Győr Időjárás

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