Hungary, 9165 Tárnokréti, Fő u. 84.
47.72313000, 17.30652300

Arrabona EGTC

Showcases an extensive collection of folk furnishings, everyday tools, and equipment, photos, etc characteristic to the municipality and its region.

Attendance: Előre egyeztetett időpontban

Further information

Nearby attractions

War Memorial Wall

100 citizens of the municipality enlisted in WWII, of them 33 were young boys. The war claimed the lives of 21 heroes. The memorial is dedicated to them.

Tárnokrét Lutheran Church

Their building of monument status is a Baroque-style Lutheran church built in 1785.

Memorial of the 800 year anniversary

A memorial stone was set on Main Street to commemorate 800 years since the village was founded. Engraved in the stone is the village coat of arms and the location of it within the borders of current Hungary as well as the former Kingdom of Hungary. The memorial reads: 'steadfastly' and Terra Capi 1209-800-2009.

Nearby events